Twenty seven SDC FC and JO divers competed with over 100 entrants. Out of 9 competing clubs, Stanford Diving Club took 1st place with 361 points ahead of Santa Clara Diving Club with 198 points! Thank you Coach Hayley for sharing the coaching fun Sunday, and other coaches, who were unable to attend, for sending divers…
Our medal winners:
- 8 Gold medals: Lucy Bothe FC L8 G 1m; Jocelyn Bunjamin FC L1 G 3m; Tyler Kirby FC L6 B 3m & FC L8 B 1m; Vera Smith FC L3 G 1m; Milo Switzer FC L7 B 1m & 3m; Adriana Virella FC L6 G 1m.
- 10 Silver medals: Maxwell Hamill FC L4 B 1m; Eden Karon FC L5 G 3m; Hailey Rea 11&U JO G 1m & 3m; Sean Reynolds FC L8 B 1m; Zoë Schmidt FC L2 G 3m; Adriana Virella FC L6 G 3m; Juliet Yauch 12-13 JO G 1m & FC L8 G 1m & FC L7 G 3m.
- 6 Bronze medals: Lucy Bothe FC L7 G 3m; Jocelyn Chan FC L5 G 1m; Maxwell Hamill FC L2 B 3m; Maya Hismatullina FC L3 G 3m; Zoë Schmidt FC L2 G 1m; Zachary Terman FC L8 B 1m.
For more detailed results please visit 2024 Davis Divers Pre-Region Invitational results. Without exception, all SDC divers showed exemplary focus, perseverance and sportsmanship and should be proud of their performance!